
Lone worker | Man down alarm devices supplier


We design, develop and supply
personal safety devices

Man down systems for professionals exposed to risky situations :
Falls, discomfort, assaults (verbal or physical violences) and isolation (Lone worker protection)

Emerit© helps safety specialist companies increase their business offering a new generation of personal alarm solutions.

Our lone worker protection solutions

Emerit© watch


The lone worker alarm device

The Emerit© personal safety watch is an ergonomic device designed specifically to ensure the safety of the professional user in dangerous situations: isolation – lone worker protection, dangerous zones (injury, discomfort, fall) or agression (verbal or physical).

  • 4G & WIFI alarms transmission
  • GPS, WIFI and Bluetooth location modes
  • Easy to wear and to configure



The first bluetooth sos button connected to a smartphone

This discreet and ergonomic device suits any work setting, protecting professionals from risks like isolation, hazardous areas, aggression, or remote work. Integrate the e-B10 alert system with your mobile app for a comprehensive, ready-to-use safety solution.

  • Ergonomic & rechargeable
  • Seamless Integration using our Bluetooth API
  • SOS button, man down detection, and continuous connectivity testing

Emerit© Bluetooth Beacon


Designed for indoor location

e-BBE9 is a beacon designed and configured specifically to work with Emerit© devices. Take advantage of a detailed and customizable indoor location according to the configuration of the site to be covered (floors, areas, corridors, etc.).

  • Customisable indoor location
  • Easy installation & maintenance
  • Long battery life

Why using personal safety alarm devices?


It saves

A man down device that you carry on you at work can send an alarm quicker and get rescued before it gets worse.


Lone workers

Equiping lone workers with personal alarm devices is a legal duty. Both the employer and the employee remain out of trouble.



Many professionals are exposed to assaults in the workplace, especially those in contact with the public.

"Emerit© is the result of more than thirty years of experience in the field of lone worker devices, combined with a dynamic development of innovative solutions through our research and development department."

Hervé Lefebvre - President

Emerit© supports you


Business support

We help our distributors understand how the innovation of our lone worker alarm devices can help them to make the difference in their market.


Technical support

Our technical department is available to support and train you to become a true Emerit expert.


After sales service

Based in Europe and with 100% control of the electronics, we ensure the continued operation of the installed equipment.

Advantages for being
an Emerit© partner


As a distributor of Emerit© man down solutions, we offer special pricing so you can use this equipment to grow your business.

Our team work very hard to support all the Emerit© partner in the distribtion of the devices. It means that we will visit you in your office, to give you a special training about our solutions and make your sales team being expert on it.



With our team of developers based in Paris, we can work on the development of new features specific to your business.

Join a European network of safety professionals based in different countries to share knowledge, experience and use cases.

Be part of
a network


Our marketing team can help you promote Emerit© devices on your website (with photos, videos, ...), at exhibitions or provide you sales support documents (product sheets, catalogues, flyers, ...)

Magneta as been created in 1908. Our experience and expertise made us create this Emerit© range. We are in the market since more than 20 years.


"My mission is to support partners by helping them to understand the technical and commercial aspects of our solutions in order to ensure their success."

Alexis Escarment - Export Manager

We provide lone worker solutions with continuous development

Our company Magneta was the first company on the lone worker alarm devices market in France, as soon as the regulations for this sector were introduced in 1992.

The development of our Emerit lone worker alarm solution started in early 2015 on phones with physical keypads but it was not yet called Emerit.

The Emerit application was launched in 2020 and integrated the SIA DC-09 IP protocol.
By the end of 2020, the Emerit lone worker alarm application was being tested and used on a wide range of devices (phones, smartphones, ATEX phones and ATEX smartphones).

Our lone worker alarm watch was released in the first half of 2021, after 2 years of research and development. After its release, 70 features were added, 36 changes were made and 31 problems were fixed.

Our research and development team gathers five people who work on the evolution of the Emerit application, its integration on different devices and alarm management systems, the Emerit Console web application but also on the development of new devices.

We are integrated with them

Fleet management systems, alarm monitoring software, safety management software: we support you in your project to integrate the lone worker alarm systems we supply.