Man down systems: What is it?

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Man down systems: What is it?

Man down systems are essential tools to ensure lone worker’s safety. How do they work and why are they useful in certain sectors? Find out all you need to know about these protection devices and the different solutions available. 

What is a man down system?

A man down system is a safety device designed to detect a prolonged absence of movement or immobility of a person working alone. An SOS button also enables the user to trigger an alarm manually. This type of device is essential, particularly in high-risk environments where quick intervention can make all the difference in the event of an accident or sudden discomfort. 

Basically, if a user falls or remains immobile beyond a predefined threshold, the device sends out an automatic alert. This alert can be sent to a monitoring centre, to a manager, or to nearby team members so that action can be taken as quickly as possible. 

These functions are usually integrated into personal safety alarm, making their use essential to guarantee the safety of workers exposed to risks. 

The different types of man down system

There are several types of safety devices, adapted to different needs and environments: 

  • Portable devices: 

Portable devices, such as SOS button or connected safety watches, are worn directly by the worker. They use motion sensors to detect immobility or loss of verticality. 

  • Mobile applications: 

Integrated into a smartphone, these solutions use accelerometers and GPS to detect an abnormal situation and transmit an alert. 

  • Fixed devices: 

Often used in industrial environments, these alarm systems are positioned on site to monitor an operator’s activities. They are reliable, high-performance solutions for ensuring the safety of lone workers on site, particularly in buildings with white zones. 

All these solutions can be connected to a remote monitoring centre or an alert platform, enabling real-time supervision, constant monitoring and immediate management of incidents. 

Man down systems

Man down device’s features

Man down systems incorporate a number of features to guarantee appropriate protection: 

  • Immobility detection:
    The sensor analyses the user’s movements. In the event of prolonged immobility, an alert is automatically triggered. 
  • Fall detection:
    This type of function sends an alert if the user loses their balance or fall down. 
  • Geolocation:
    In the event of an alert, the user’s exact position is transmitted to facilitate intervention. 
  • SOS button:
    Workers can also manually activate an alert in the event of imminent danger. 
  • Advanced connectivity:
    These devices can be linked to supervision systems, ensuring real-time monitoring. 
  • Resistance:
    Some devices are designed to operate in extreme conditions, with increased resistance to shock, water and dust. 

Regulations relating to lone workers

According to European Directive 89/391/EEC, employers are required to take action in order to ensure the health and safety of all workers, including those who work alone. This means implementing measures to enable lone workers to report any situation of distress and to receive rapid assistance if necessary. It is therefore imperative for employers to deploy effective devices, such as man down devices, to comply with this directive and guarantee the safety of their employees. 

Man down systems play an important role in the prevention of workplace risks. Whether you’re a safety manager or a lone worker, choosing the right solution for your environment is essential to working safely. Feel free to explore our website and contact our experts for more information.